SQL/PSM is a mystic language without any information. The bible is ISO/IEC 9075-4. Its first name was only PSM, next PSM-92, PSM-96 and then SQL/PSM. Older versions are incompatible with SQL/PSM. The author of SQL/PSM is propably Jim Melton. Some RDBMS implements some subset of SQL/PSM. Famous is the implementation in DB2. I don't know why, but the paradise of SQL/PSM is Sweden. SQL/PSM is implemented in Mimer, Solid, MySQL. You can find SQL/PSM suppport in daffodildb too. SQL/PSM support Czech 602SQL Server RDBMS too. OOD system Matisse use SQL/PSM language for objects’ methods. Manual in Czech Příručka SQL/PSM or English language — SQL/PSM Manual.
SQL/PSM is supported
- MySQL (version 5.0 and higher),
- Solid
- Mimer
- Sybase iAnywhere (Advantage Database Server 8.0, November 2005), http://www.extendedsystems.nl/web/content.aspx?key=F7144BCC5E1B10699707CC72D9B4A3C8
- 602SQL server
- Daffodil DB http://www.daffodildb.com/daffodildb-psm.html
- ElevateDB
SQL/PSM support in PostgreSQL
PL/pgPSM is based on the syntax of SQL/PSM (SQL:2003) with some differences. Current version isn't usable for production. Main goals are education and collecting information about SQL/PSM now. This version is based on the PL/pgSQL interpreter (with modified syntax parser's part for SQL/PSM). Currently this project is external and a little bit independent of core PostgreSQL. You can find it on pgFoundry. Hackers would prefer to completely rewrite PL interpreter (the source code is a little bit dirty), but I believe some work on the PL API is needed before this rewrite. Current PL runtime is fast and well tested.
Discussions from PostgreSQL Hackers archive
- http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2005-06/msg01467.php
- http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2005-06/msg01466.php
- which stmts signal NOT FOUND (??DELETE??)
Difference from std.
- PLpgPSM don't support procedures (and unbounded SELECTs ??is part of std??),
for SRF is supported RETURN NEXTtable expression is supported,- every not VOID or with OUT params function have to finish with RETURN,
- default for SQL/PSM is SECURE DEFINER (SECURE CALLER in PostgreSQL),
- SELECT INTO variables columns ... (PL/pgSQL) .. is correct (from notes to ISO is implementation depend),
- PERFORM (will be replaced CALL statement),
- Signal parameters (condition information item name) add DETAIL,
LEVEL, HINT (from PostgreSQL), originally only MESSAGE_TEXT, isn't possible signal '00000' (and possible trapp it), - for debug output statement PRINT.
- CONTINUE HANDLER is fast for warnings; if it's used for EXCEPTION is slow (every statement generate savepoint),
EXIT handler is prohibited for exception (allowed for warnings), only UNDO handler with BEGIN ATOMIC block is allowed,- PostgreSQL use different set of function's attributes
- SQL, NO SQL ~ no relevant PostgreSQL attributes,
- EXECUTE [INTO varlist] [USING varlist],
NULL statement, .. do nothing,- refcursor (from plpgsql), missing support WITH HOLD, WITH RETURN cursors,
- supported unbounded (refcursors) OPEN name FOR ... (from plpgsql),
attr NO SCROLL isn't supported (is implicit),- support SQLSTATE variable (from DB2)
Diff from MySQL SQL/PSM language
- unsupported unbound SELECT statements,
- comma separated predicates in simple CASE statement,
- SIGNAL statement,
- PREPARE can contain any expression,
- unsupported CALL statement
- support standard multiassign statement (list version in mysql is nonstandard),
Difference from PL/pgSQL
- syntax,
- all function's arguments are writeble.
- exception level depends on SQLSTATE
- 00000 INFO
- 01000 WARNING
- cursor statements are ansi compatible
- FETCH can specify direction
- OPEN cannot use parameters (but can specify unbound cursor)
- composed types variables are default NULL and can be NULL
BEGIN DECLARE a mytype; SET a = mytype(); -- default constructor a.prop1(10); -- default its eq SET a.prop = 10 END;
Supported statements
plpgpsm samples:
- basic statements SQL/PSM samples,
- dynamic SQL in SQL/PSM samples,
- dynamic cursors support samples,
- SQL statements in SQL/PSM samples,
- Exception handling and signaling in SQL/PSM samples,
- cursors in SQL/PSM samples,
- table expression in RETURN statement for SRF functions.
- enhanced diagnostics statement
cleaning of code, most of changes are in gram.y, other code is still plpgsql, remove a lot of dead code,- documentation, translating Příručka SQL/PSM from czech to english,
regress tests,- testing,
patch core (scrollable cursors, trappable warnings)Can wait,- any information about SQL/PSM (people, history, implementations, ...)
has anybody "Understanding SQL's Stored Procedures: A Complete Guide to SQL/PSM"?,yep, there is a book http://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Sqls-Stored-Procedures-Management/dp/1558604618 (Only for USA :-( )
exception trapping (continue and exit handlers for exceptions).cursors and FOR stmt, different directions for fetch statement,parametrized prepared statement and EXECUTE USING,- all PostgreSQL variables can be accessed via GET DIAGNOSTIC
and modified via SET, resignal (warning can be handled outer???),states in handler's declarations are disjoint,order of handlers, the most specific handlers has bigger priority,close unclosed cursors declared in block when leave block,all users signals has only one sqlstate (if sqlstate isn't defined by SQLSTATE) and is divided by conditional_name,- any expression can signal NOT FOUND (set a = 'aaaa' || (SELECT a FROM b WHERE a = 10))
GET STACKED DIAGNOSTIC,merge patch scrollable cursor for 8.3,- holdable cursor support (have to be supported SPI),
- composed types variables are default NULL and can be NULL
SECURE DEFINER or SECURE CALLER will be default?SECURE CALLER - reason is compatibility with others PL envoronments,- reformat dump: dump dummy functions, dump tables, dump full functions (for statement)
cannot redefine variable in nested block
PL/pgPSM is supported for PostgreSQL versions 8.1, 8.2, 8.3.
newer 0.2.0
- src from http://pgfoundry.org/frs/download.php/1325/plpgpsm-0.2.3.tgz
- extract into src/contrib/plpgpsm
- make install
- psql anydb
- \i plpgpsm.sql
- make installcheck
or teoreticly (not testested) can be compiled without postgresql source tree (you need develop libraries)
- extract somewhere
- cd plpgpsm
- make -f Makefile.pgxs
- make -f Makefile.pgxs install
- psql anydb
- \i plpgpsm.sql
older 0.2.0
- download src from http://pgfoundry.org/frs/download.php/1236/plpgpsm-01.tar.gz
- extract into src/pl/plpgpsm (in PostgreSQL 8.2 source tree) .. similar plpgsql
- modify src/pl/Makefile .. on line 29 add DIRS += plpgpsm
- go to src/pl/plpgpsm/src amd make install
- restart postgresql server
- in psql do (as superuser)
INSERT INTO pg_pltemplate VALUES('plpgpsm',true,'plpgpsm_call_handler','plpgpsm_validator','$libdir/plpgpsm', NULL)
- make check
- create lang plpgpsm your_db
- use it
Questions, ideas: Pavel Stehule (okbob on freenode, ICQ: 138051654, stehule@kix.fsv.cvut.cz)
Conformance with ANSI
- Feature P002, “Computational completeness”
- Feature P005 "Qualified SQL variable references"
- Feature P006, “Multiple assignment”
- Feature P007, “Enhanced diagnostics management"
- Feature P008, “Comma-separated predicates in simple CASE statement”